Select Recycled Parts Screen

Use this screen to enter recycled replacement parts and labor.

Description of fields on the Data tab screen

Field Label Description

Use selected RPS supplier

Uncheck this option if you do not want to use the listed suppliers. Then you will have to manually enter recycled part data.

Supplier Name, Vehicle Description, Supplier’s Part Description, Cost $, Phone

This is the recycled part, supplier descriptions and cost as recorded in the recycled parts database. This information is taken from the recycled parts database. An asterisk in front of a supplier indicates that it is a required supplier. The claim office profile determines the required suppliers. If the recycled parts database is not on your system or if the suppliers do not have the part you requested, this will be blank.

Highlight a recycled part from the list to select it. When you select an assembly, the labor, and refinish operations appear in the field below.

Recycled Assembly, Right/Left, Year Range, Labor Hours, Refinish Hours, Footnotes

This is the labor and refinish information for the Recycled Assembly highlighted in the Recycled Assembly box at the top of the screen. This information is taken from the RACEG database. If the RACEG database is not present on your system, this field will be blank. You may find more than one labor operation in the window. Select the operation that is appropriate. When you select an operation, the corresponding footnotes appear in the box below. Clicking on the Add to Estimate button will insert them in the estimate.

Cost $

This is the cost as recorded in the recycled parts database. You can change the cost in this field. The value you enter will override the database value, and will appear on the estimate if you select the part.

Markup %

This is the Markup percentage for Recycled parts as recorded in the Estimating rules for your system. This is taken from the Estimating Rules set up for your system.

You can change the markup percentage that is displayed in this field. If you do change it, the value you enter will override the default value taken from the Estimating Rules.

Price $

This amount is calculated as Cost + Cost*Markup/100, rounded to nearest cent. This field is calculated from the Cost $ and Markup % fields. You do not have access to this field.

Labor Hours, Refinish Hours

These fields are the labor and refinish Labor hours you selected in the Recycled Assembly field. These data are taken from the Recycled Crash Estimating Guide. You can change the hours in these fields. The hours you enter will override any default values.


Select this to open the Replacement Assemblies Crash Estimating Guide.

Add to Estimate

This option is available if you accessed this screen through the database panel Compare button, or through the Estimate Line Properties > General tab or Comparison Tab. Select this to accept your choice.

Add w/Changes...

Selecting this option opens the Estimate Line Properties General tab, and inserts all the information for the highlighted recycled part. You can change the information as desired.

Compare... Select this option to open the Estimate Line Properties Comparison tab. All the information for the highlighted recycled part is inserted in this screen. You can compare the recycled cost and labor to the OEM or aftermarket parts and labor.
Cancel Selecting this option aborts the recycled part selection process and closes the screen.

Description of fields on the Add Time tab screen

Information on these pages may be superceded by information contained in footnotes attached to specific suggested labor operation times.

Field Label Description

Add Time

Select this tab to access the Not-Included Operations screen where you can select additional operations for a recycled part.

Selection checkbox When checked, indicates the selected additional operation is added to the estimate.
Additional Operation (Not Included) This field contains a description of the operation.
Right/Left This field indicates the vehicle side of the part.
Labor Hours, Refinish Hours Use these fields to enter labor hours for the operation.

See Also

Selecting Recycled Parts

Selecting Add Time to Recycled Parts







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